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VRTUCAR response to carsharing in Ottawa: Statement from VRTUCAR’s Chief Sharing Officer:

A new player entered the shared mobility market in Ottawa last weekend.

This is a testament to the growing metropolitan transportation needs in our city. We are proud and happy to be the cornerstone of car sharing in Ottawa.

VRTUCAR brought car sharing to the capital 15 years ago. We have grown to 110 cars at 90 locations serving more than 2800 members in numerous Ottawa neighbourhoods.

We are and will continue to be a community-based, transit-focused car share organization that prides itself on excellent customer service.

Shared mobility providers including OC Transpo, VRTUCAR, Zipcar, Student Car Share, Ottawa taxis and TNCs are members of Ottawa’s growing sustainable transportation community. We provide a transportation option for consumers who value convenience, environment and sustainability.

It is important that our community engages with the public and with policy makers about the significant impact that shared mobility providers have on reducing greenhouse gas emission targets in Ottawa. Ultimately, we share the same goals of providing alternatives to private car ownership and reducing the number of cars in our community.

Play fair and share

Wilson Wood

Chief Sharing Officer


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