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Planning your trip

We understand that planning your trips can be a bit confusing at first glance. Here are two scenarios to help you plan your next trip.

Scenario 1: You would like to have a car for three days for a family trip to Muskoka and estimate that you’ll drive it about 175 km there and back. How much will it cost you?

3 days = $50/day + 35$ extra day = $120
175 km x 2 = 350 km
150 km is included per trip and each additional km is $0.25
200 km x $0.25 = $50

Total cost: $120 + $50 = $170

Scenario 2: It’s grocery night. You walked to No Frills from work but would like to take a FLEX car home for your grocery haul. Canned goods are pretty heavy after all! It takes you about 26 minutes to get home because of the traffic and you drove about 5.7 km. How much will it cost you?

$0.41/minute = $0.41 x 26 min = $10.66
150 km is included per trip so you don’t get charged for the distance you drove!

Total cost = $10.66

But wait, you just signed up and have the first 30 minutes free for your first month. This trip is free!

Total cost = FREE dollars!

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